“He is Alive With You in the Eucharist…”

*J.M.J.* Holy Bible  “Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has eternal life. I am the bread of life. Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, yet they died. But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which anyone may eat and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this… Continue reading “He is Alive With You in the Eucharist…”

Pope Francis Accepts Cardinal Robert Sarah’s Resignation from the Congregation for Divine Worship

(via Catholic News Agency) Pope Francis on Saturday accepted the resignation of Cardinal Robert Sarah as prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. Sarah, who turned 75 in June 2020, was the most senior African prelate at the Vatican, appointed head of the liturgy department by Pope Francis in… Continue reading Pope Francis Accepts Cardinal Robert Sarah’s Resignation from the Congregation for Divine Worship

Reflection – Strength in the Eucharist…

February 2, 2020 – “…You will find strength in the Eucharist – my Son who feeds you with His Body and strengthens you with His Blood. My children, fold your hands [in prayer] and look at the Cross in silence. In this way, you are drawing faith to be able to transmit it; you are… Continue reading Reflection – Strength in the Eucharist…

Vigano: Pope’s Call for ‘Obedience’ to Italy’s Ongoing Mass Ban ‘Undue’ and ‘Harmful’

(via LifeSite) Amid the coronavirus pandemic and massive restrictions on Mass attendance, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has encouraged the bishops in Italy “to decide how to act, with prudence and wisdom, in order to guarantee the Sacraments and the celebration of the Mass to the faithful.” The Pope’s call for “obedience” to Italian “phase 2”… Continue reading Vigano: Pope’s Call for ‘Obedience’ to Italy’s Ongoing Mass Ban ‘Undue’ and ‘Harmful’

Catholic Leaders Urge Bishops to Increase Access to Sacraments During Pandemic

(via LifeSite) A great number of prominent and well-respected Catholics has urged the bishops “to do everything you can to make the sacraments more available to us” during the COVID-19 pandemic. The open letter, titled “We Are An Easter People,” was released on April 1. “Something is terribly wrong with a culture that allows abortion… Continue reading Catholic Leaders Urge Bishops to Increase Access to Sacraments During Pandemic

U.S. Bishop Forbids Priests to Say Mass Facing with People, Bans Communion Rails

(via LifeSite) An Idaho bishop has prohibited priests in his diocese from saying the Mass facing with the people (ad orientem) and from using communion rails for Catholics who prefer to kneel to receive the Eucharist. In addition, the bishop wants to be informed of every traditional Latin Mass that takes place in his diocese. … Continue reading U.S. Bishop Forbids Priests to Say Mass Facing with People, Bans Communion Rails

Authorities Crack Down on Priests for Saying Public Masses, Defying Orders During Pandemic

(via LifeSite) Several priests in various parts of the world have been arrested or confronted by authorities for celebrating public Masses in spite of government directives prohibiting gatherings for religious purposes during the COVID-19 pandemic. In Germany, a pastor of the Polish community in Hannover had opened the church for a prayer meeting last Sunday.… Continue reading Authorities Crack Down on Priests for Saying Public Masses, Defying Orders During Pandemic

Bishop Schneider: Priests Don’t Have to Obey Bishops, Govt Who Suspend Mass

(via LifeSite) Bishop Athanasius Schneider has stated that a priest, using discretion and following the necessary health precautions “has not to obey the directives of his bishop or the government to suspend Mass for the faithful.” He also described the COVID-19 pandemic as a chastisement and a purification. Directives canceling all public Masses “are a… Continue reading Bishop Schneider: Priests Don’t Have to Obey Bishops, Govt Who Suspend Mass

Canonist: Bishops’ Ban on Sacraments Violates Church Law

(via LifeSite) Catholic bishops issuing blanket bans on the faithful receiving the sacraments as a response to the coronavirus pandemic is a violation of canon law, and a priest can in good conscience disregard such directives, according to an American canonist. In fact, a priest is obliged to do so, says Philip Gray, the president… Continue reading Canonist: Bishops’ Ban on Sacraments Violates Church Law

Spiritual Communion Prayers

Act of Spiritual Communion Prayer My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself… Continue reading Spiritual Communion Prayers