Reflection – “Take the Rosary and Pray…”

April 25, 2001 – “Dear children! Also today, I call you to prayer. Little children, prayer works miracles. When you are tired and sick and you do not know the meaning of your life, take the Rosary and pray; pray until prayer becomes for you a joyful meeting with your Savior. I am with you,… Continue reading Reflection – “Take the Rosary and Pray…”

Catholic Leaders Urge Bishops to Increase Access to Sacraments During Pandemic

(via LifeSite) A great number of prominent and well-respected Catholics has urged the bishops “to do everything you can to make the sacraments more available to us” during the COVID-19 pandemic. The open letter, titled “We Are An Easter People,” was released on April 1. “Something is terribly wrong with a culture that allows abortion… Continue reading Catholic Leaders Urge Bishops to Increase Access to Sacraments During Pandemic

U.S. Bishop Asks His Priests to Give Communion on Holy Thursday

(via LifeSite) Bishop Robert J. Baker, the outgoing head of the Diocese of Birmingham, Alabama, has encouraged his priests to distribute Holy Communion to the faithful on Holy Thursday, the Thursday before Easter. “With this letter I wish to appeal to your pastoral sensitivity and ask that you find an appropriate way to distribute Holy… Continue reading U.S. Bishop Asks His Priests to Give Communion on Holy Thursday

U.S. Bishop Forbids Priests to Say Mass Facing with People, Bans Communion Rails

(via LifeSite) An Idaho bishop has prohibited priests in his diocese from saying the Mass facing with the people (ad orientem) and from using communion rails for Catholics who prefer to kneel to receive the Eucharist. In addition, the bishop wants to be informed of every traditional Latin Mass that takes place in his diocese. … Continue reading U.S. Bishop Forbids Priests to Say Mass Facing with People, Bans Communion Rails

U.S. Bishop Suspends Last Rites in Response to Pandemic

(via LifeSite) The bishop of Springfield, Massachusetts, has temporarily suspended last rites in all instances in his diocese in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Bishop Mitchell Rozanski’s directive followed a United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) memo on March 27 reaffirming Church teaching that only priests could administer the sacrament, Catholic News Agency reported. … Continue reading U.S. Bishop Suspends Last Rites in Response to Pandemic

Bishop Schneider: Priests Don’t Have to Obey Bishops, Govt Who Suspend Mass

(via LifeSite) Bishop Athanasius Schneider has stated that a priest, using discretion and following the necessary health precautions “has not to obey the directives of his bishop or the government to suspend Mass for the faithful.” He also described the COVID-19 pandemic as a chastisement and a purification. Directives canceling all public Masses “are a… Continue reading Bishop Schneider: Priests Don’t Have to Obey Bishops, Govt Who Suspend Mass

Canonist: Bishops’ Ban on Sacraments Violates Church Law

(via LifeSite) Catholic bishops issuing blanket bans on the faithful receiving the sacraments as a response to the coronavirus pandemic is a violation of canon law, and a priest can in good conscience disregard such directives, according to an American canonist. In fact, a priest is obliged to do so, says Philip Gray, the president… Continue reading Canonist: Bishops’ Ban on Sacraments Violates Church Law

U.S. Bishop Joins Correction of Francis for ‘Propagating Heresies’

(via LifeSite) A Catholic bishop in Texas added his name to a recent declaration that accuses the pope of propagating various heresies against the Catholic faith and seeks to correct them. Rene Henry Gracida, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Corpus Christi, posted a message to his blog on Sunday reproducing an email he sent… Continue reading U.S. Bishop Joins Correction of Francis for ‘Propagating Heresies’