Our Lady of Medjugorje Calls for Novena of Prayer for Peace!

On June 15, 2024, Fr. Leon, the Chaplain in Medjugorje for the English speaking people said:

“Tonight, during Our Lady’s apparition to the visionary Marija, Our Lady invited us to pray the rosary from tomorrow at 10 pm on Apparition Hill at Our Lady’s statue, where there will also be an apparition every evening during the Novena to the Queen of Peace. Our Lady’s apparition will be at 11:30 p.m. Our Lady asked that in this Novena that we pray for peace in the world. Come, let us respond to Our Lady’s call.

“So, wherever we are in the world maybe we can unite in prayer and try to pray the rosary together for Peace as Our Lady is calling us. And wherever we are also we can pray during the apparition time and unite ourselves to the apparition. I know when we are in Medjugorje Our Lady says during the evening program when she is appearing on earth, that if we thank God for allowing her to be coming to this earth and we are really praying with the heart that we receive the same graces as if we were right there present at that apparition.

“So, find out what 10:00 pm Medjugorje time is for you: 

1:00 pm Pacific time, 

2:00 pm Mountain time 

3:00 pm Central time

4:00 pm Eastern time.”

(Fr. Leon)

Mary TV has been given permission by visionary Marija to stream this time of prayer on Apparition Hill, including the apparition, LIVE each night. Fr. Leon’s time table is correct for the Western Hemisphere.

Please join in alongside thousands of prayer warriors with Our Lady in prayer for peace, which is so urgently needed with each passing moment today. Our Lady asks for our prayers and even greater number of her children to join her!

Here are the recent messages from Day 1 and Day 2:

“During the moments of the Apparition, Marija recommended all of us, all of our intentions, whatever we hold in our hearts, all of our sacrifices and all of the prayers we have prayed for peace. Our Lady extended her hands above us, and she prayed over us in her own motherly language of Aramaic for a long time. Our Lady asked us to come tomorrow in an even greater number, because she needs our prayer. She blessed us all as she left for Heaven.” (June 16, 2024 Apparition)

Marija: “Tonight Gospa came – it looked like she was a little more joyful compared to last night. This means that we listened to her and came in a larger number, but that doesn’t mean that there is enough of us praying for peace. Gospa prayed over us in which language? In her Aramaic motherly language. Gospa prayed for a long time over us.” (June 17, 2024 Apparition)

* Here is the link to join via livestream: MaryTV *